What do all these verses have in common?
Romans 1:8
I Corinthians 1:4
Philippians 1:3
Colossians 1:3
I Thessalonians 1:2
II Thessalonians 1:3
II Timothy 1:3
Philemon 1:4
Paul was thanking God for his fellow believers in each of these greetings. Have you thanked God for your fellow believers today? Have you told those people you’re thankful for them?
Today I’m thankful for our friends in our small group. I didn’t get to go Friday because of the birthday party but the ladies did get together Saturday to go to American Harvest’s Christmas open house in Pleasanton. (OK, another small exception to the “no-Christmas-before-Thanksgiving” rule.) But we did search for Thanksgiving decorations and enjoyed the harvest at a farmer’s market, too.
Your homework for today is to read the Scriptures listed above, see how Paul thanked God for the people in the early churches, and then thank some people in your life.

Blessings Ann & beautiful THANKSGIVING verses and HARVEST items!
I missed this "30 days of Thanksgiving" but I am participating in one or two and making my heartfelt list of gratitude! What a beautiful way to do this & reflect on God's Word! Thanks for the great suggestion of thanking someone in our lives.
May God bless The Tatums & your bounty this month of Thanksgiving!
(dropping by from Mimi's)
Is it just me or is everything Christmas practically skipping Thanksgiving this year? It's as if you blink, you'll miss it. Well, I'm enjoying it for 30 Days. Thank you. Enjoying new friends, lots of blessings back and forth. Thanks.
Isn't the bounty that the earth provides in the fall of the year such a blessing? All of the promise of the seeds planted in the spring come full circle and produce a myriad of wonderful food for our bodies and for our soul.
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