I love fall... this is only one of the reasons why. I can eat Happy Apples for Sunday night dinner! I went to our church's ladies retreat this weekend. Karen & I came back last night because her husband had to leave on a business trip today. Even though it was cut a little short it was a great weekend! We hiked up to the cross.
I don't think Sandy was planning on going but we talked her into it. And on the way she ran into a girl that she knew growing up! The girl works at the camp now & invited us into her home. This was her view off the back deck -- isn't this incredible? I don't think I'd ever get anything done. I'd just sit on the deck & admire the beauty of God's creation!
Even though my birthday isn't for 2 more weeks I already got my gift. Glenn wanted me with him when he bought it & last week was our only time this month to go shopping together. So... here it is -- a new grill! A real one, big enough to cook everyone's food at the same time. :-) The HOA stained our fence last week, too, so it looks nicer now.
And while I was gone the newest issue of Somerset Memories arrived with one of my projects. It's actually mislabeled. This is really a page from my Thanksgiving journal from last year, not an altered cabinet card.
Since I got in so late last night I slept a little late & picked up Margie for the late service at church. So we went out to eat at Panda. Mechele joined us & brought me a bag of broken jewelry -- one of my favorite gifts! Then we went to Annie's Attic for the vintage sale and look what I found. I think my mom had this mold. Does it look familiar to anyone? (I didn't touch it. lol....)
Forgot to mention that I won a basket at the ladies retreat raffle. A perfect one for us. Now we can have game night. It also came with a popcorn bowl, microwave popcorn, & lots of chocolate candy.
Come back to the blog tomorrow for a big announcement!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
18 hours ago
AAHHHH!!!!! Did you buy the frog for your dish scrubber????
I love the cross photos; I want to live with eternity and what Jesus did for me at the cross as my focus. I'm thankful for His love and mercy!
~Hugs, Heidi
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