Monday, November 17, 2008

Thankful for Home

Tonight I'm thankful that we own a home instead of renting, especially so we can paint our walls whatever color we want without asking anyone else!  We sold Lauren's bed yesterday and told her we'd show her pictures of her old room, which is becoming Glenn's office.  It will have a futon in it so she'll have a place to stay when she comes back.  And the closet is still hers, and a few other things.

Notice the new curtain.  It's a light blocking curtain and keeps the room much cooler in the afternoon.
So, we're going to pick out a paint color... or maybe go to the paint store & buy someone else's mistake, buy a futon, some artwork, maybe some shelves.  Any suggestions on paint colors?  Lauren, we'll listed to your ideas since you'll still be living in the room at times.

This wall still makes it look like Lauren's room.  Her curtains from Africa and her artwork from her class last year.


Grandpa said...

Shouldn't you have painted the room BEFORE moving in all the new stuff?

Heidi said...

At least she didn't leave you with a DARK PURPLE room like our oldest left us with when she got married! Our younger daughter (4th yr college) let us turn her room into a play room for the grandkids. But I still have all her stuff/bed in there too! Ah. Life changes...


Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Hi Ann! Thank you so much for visiting us! It sounds like you had great fun crafting with your girlfriends! We can't wait to see the pics. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Clara & Marcela

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