Sunday, June 22, 2008


Well, summer is officially here now.  And it felt like it yesterday -- it was HOT!!!  We were supposed to go over to some of our friends' house but since we have a pool we invited them here.  We bought pool noodles yesterday and the "kids" spent about 30 minutes wrestling with them.  I think it looks like they're fighting a sea monster in these pictures!  :-)

Then we came in and had some music.  They practiced songs for church in the morning and just had a good time singing.  You can't tell here but Lauren is playing the ottoman.  

I was invited to participate in the altered domino book swap even though I'd never actually made a domino book.  (Maybe the person who invited me didn't know that.)  But I was up for the challenge and had a lot of loose dominoes around so I signed up.  It was a lot of fun.  The theme was 'Summertime.'  The title of my book is "Things That Remind me of Summer."


onemotherslove said...

Now that's interesting... Too bad you didn't have a photo of someone sunbathing in a purple bikini to put in that little book!

Heidi said...

So that's what a domino book looks like! Very cute! Ah, summer...swiming in the pool and late nights by the piano. Love it!

pinkroses said...

I love, love, LOVE your little domino I want to make one too! My parents lived in Walnut Creek for 4 years while I was in college...have been up Mt. Diablo MANY times! suzanne duda

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