Saturday, July 14, 2007

Lauren's home (almost). She just called and she's almost to Tahoe. We'll see her tomorrow.

Jordann, Glenn, & I went to downtown Walnut Creek yesterday afternoon just to walk around. They wanted to go play with the iPhones at the Mac store. We didn't buy anything but smoothies and Jo got some little papers at a new scrapbook store that we recently discovered -- My Daughter's Wish. We're trying to finish up some of the fall things we're working on before buying anything else. They had really cute Christmas papers but Jo wouldn't let me buy any. :-) The photo above is what we're working on now. I'll show you some completed items later. I'll also take a picture of Lauren tomorrow and post it so you can see her. She may update her Peru blog with photos and stories.
I'll leave you with a photo of Maowie, Lauren's cat. I don't think I posted this before. I guess she was hot this day. I don't know why else she'd be laying in the water!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Looks like the cat wet itself!!
I love a cat photo.

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